What are the limits in the Qiwi system


2017-09-11 00:00:00:

It is unlikely that someone had not yet managed to get acquainted with the electronic payment system Qiwi, which fully settled in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. The number of customers is approaching the number of 15 million, which automatically equates the electronic payment service to the level of a large financial organization.

When getting acquainted with the system, many questions may arise and one of the main ones is what limits apply in the Qiwi system? We’ll talk about this, simultaneously touching upon the topic of customer identification and tariff restrictions.

Limits in Qiwi System

 What does the word "limit" mean, I know everything. But the question is different - why did Qiwi impose restrictions on financial transactions? The fact is that in 2013, the legislative apparatus put forward an initiative to combat the illegal circulation of electronic currency. The initiative was approved and the bill passed. After that, each user who decides to create an electronic wallet for virtual settlements must identify his personality. How to do this, we will talk later.

The volume of limits in force in the Qiwi system depends on the user is access status to the system.

    The “Minimum” status is granted to each registered user, therefore, the restrictions are maximum. Initial wallets are typically used for one-time settlements. For example, if you need to replenish the balance of a mobile phone through the Qiwi terminal, then after entering the number an electronic wallet is automatically created in the system. If the owner of the purse no longer uses it, then six months later it automatically closes. So, the Qiwi wallet limits valid for the wallet of a user with the “Minimum” status look like this. The owner of a purse cannot have more than 15 thousand rubles on it. And the second limitation is the monthly payment limit is 40 thousand rubles. Many will agree that such conditions are suitable for most residents of the country.
    If you want to have more opportunities for working with electronic money, then you will have to get the status of “Standard”. It is more suitable for successful freelancers, Internet businessmen and small businesses. Of course, the status of "Standard" has its limitations, but they are not as stringent as the "minimum" users. Qiwi-limits for the status of “Standard”: the maximum amount on the balance sheet cannot exceed 60 thousand rubles, the limit of payments per month - no more than 200 thousand rubles.
    The third access level is the Maximum status. Customers who decide to get full access to the system must go through a fairly complex procedure for identifying a person. The status of “Maximum” is needed for large online businesses, virtual trading floors and exchanges. Despite the highest rank in the system, the Maximum status has limitations, but they are more likely conditional, since the maximum amount that can be on the wallet is 600 thousand rubles. And the limits of the Qiwi system for withdrawal and transfers are completely absent.
    There is a fourth level of access for large trading floors in and very wealthy customers. In such cases, the terms of cooperation are negotiated individually.

Removing limits in Qiwi through personal identification

 As already mentioned, the government of the Russian Federation established certain restrictions on the contrary of electronic currency, which led to the need to introduce a personal identification system. By the way, such a system functions not only within the framework of Qiwi electronic payment service, but also in other payment systems.

 To remove the restrictions in force in the Qiwi system, it is necessary to go through the identification process. Consider the procedure for obtaining statuses, which will lead to the removal of limits in the system.

    The status of "Minimum" is assigned to all, without exception, it is enough to make a payment through the company is terminal once, so we will not go into details.
    Standard status can be obtained by presenting documents confirming the identity of the client. Documents can be sent by e-mail indicated on the Kiwi website, or visit one of the points of the company. The list and addresses can also be found on the official website.
    The client can receive the “Maximum” status only at the company’s office, or at representative offices of financial organizations.
    VIP status or seller can only be obtained at the main office of the company.

The maximum amount to replenish a Kiwi wallet depends on the status, the same applies to the balance.

 Consider the procedure for obtaining the status of "Standard" in more detail. For remote customer identification it is necessary:

    Go to the company is online resource in the "Identification" section.
    Download and install the Visa Qiwi Wallet smartphone app.
    Find one of the company is branded terminals.
    Call the company’s Call Center.
    Having chosen one of the options for filing documents, we scan the important pages of the passport and the document where the taxpayer number is listed.

Providing the system with this package of documents, the client is assigned the status of "Standard", after which the maximum amount of replenishment Qiwi increases to 60 thousand rubles.

If uif it’s not enough, you can apply for the “Maximum” status, which will open up almost limitless possibilities for using electronic money. However, to obtain this status, you must personally come to the office of the company, taking with you a package of documents, which includes:

    Identity document (passport).
    Russian postscript.
    Taxpayer Code (TIN).
    The phone number that was provided during the initial registration of the account.

These documents will be more than enough to remove the limits on transfers in Qiwi electronic payment service.

Where can I bring the package of documents. Here is a list of offices, representative offices and points where you can make the status of "Maximum":

    In any salon of the Euroset retail network, however, the cost of the service will be 50 rubles.
    In each financial institution where the operation of the CONTACT payment transfer system is supported. They are in almost every city in Russia.
    Using the services of a courier. This service appeared recently, because it works only in large cities.
    In the branches of the Kiwi company in Perm, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and, of course, in Moscow.
    There is also a network of partner points in the capital, where Russian citizens can obtain the status of “Maximum”.

So, how much can I put on a Qiwi wallet if the third access level is open? As much as 600 thousand rubles
Identification Procedure for Foreign Citizens

 Qiwi electronic payment service does not only work in Russia, therefore, the system provides a procedure for identifying foreign citizens. To obtain the statuses “Standard” and “Maximum”, you must provide:

    A copy of the passport, which indicates the full name, citizenship and date of birth.
    Permission to stay in Russia. This can be either a temporary residence permit (RVP), or a document called a residence permit (residence permit).
    There must be a migration card.
    The current address where the non-resident currently resides.
    Mobile number identical to that indicated when creating the account.

 The maximum payment amount in the Qiwi system, like the rest of the conditions for providing an offer, is identical to those received by citizens of the Russian Federation.

 Is it worth the effort and time to get additional features in the Qiwi system? It all depends on what you need. If you do not use electronic money in everyday life, or you do it extremely rarely, then the “Minimum” status is an ideal solution. If you work on the network and get quite large sums of work, then you should think about getting at least the “Standard” status, which will remove the limits in the Qiwi system.